Hey world, it's Aniyah. Today I am going to inform on the partner I am going to be working with from now on. Technically this partnership is not "new" because we have worked together before. The person I am going to working with is Stephanie. I have worked with her on past projects many times before. We worked with each other really well. We helped build each other on our journeys together. I chose her as my partner because we work done while having fun. We both have creative ideas that can be put well together. We already have a good idea of what our final project is going to be about. We just need to organize ideas, combine them, and perfect them. Also, she is real good at editing, so it will be easy to work with her on that. We both work really hard. It is easy to communicate with whenever I need. So, communication will not be a problem with this project. Also, we were in the same class last year and we learned the same things. With Stephanie as my partner I believe things will run smoothly. I can't wait until we get to start these projects. I am prepared to learn and have fun. Thanks for reading and blog you later!