Monday, October 28, 2019

Editing Commercial Project.... NOT

     Hey world! It is Aniyah with another interesting story to share with you. Today I was very all over the place because I had to do so many things with a very limited amount of time, but I still managed to get through it. As soon as I got to my AICE Media class, I had to quickly get a pass, go change into athletic clothes to complete filming for my commercial and go back to class and complete this blog I am doing for you guys. When we got to the field, we had to start shooting all over again because none of the shots we took last time was useful. My group and I was very stressed because we thought we wee going to have to film, edit and blog all in one period. We did our best make every shot as perfect as we could and did not take that many shots of each scene because we had a very short time limit. We were very determined to get it done, so we took everything seriously and there were very little mistakes. I believe my group and I did a very good job because we got a lo of good shots of each scene and I was so excited to get back to class and start filming, but the unexpected happened. Pinnacle Studios is down so we did not have a chance to edit our commercial. because of this  thought I would to be able to get my blog done before the end of class.

     Little did I know that I was wrong. Many of the good computers were taken by other students, leaving me with the computers with no internet and the computers that are very slow. I tried to work withe the computers that are very slow, but it was just taking up too much time. I asked my teacher if could stay a little longer after class, but he said no because my next class was a core class and he did not want me to get into trouble. I waited and waited for a good computer to become available, thankfully, at the last ten minutes of class a good computer became available to me. I already knew exactly what I wanted to type and I am a very fast typist. With that advantage, I was able to get one and a half of a paragraph completed in the ten minutes I had left. Even though I got a lot done, I still had a lot to complete. I got very frustrated and upset, but I calmed myself down by reminding myself everything will be alright and I can always overcome my mistakes. After that I immediately cooled off and thought of ways to prevent myself from  failing this assignment.

    I was considering either staying after class anyways and complete my assignment or got to class, email my teacher and complete my assignment at home. I really wanted to go with the first option, because I hate not finishing my work on time. But, I came to a realization that the second option would get me in less trouble. I went to class with guilt and remorse for not finishing my work on time. I tried to get my mind off if it by distracting myself. My method worked, but the remorse was still stuck in the back of my head. At the end of the day, I quickly snapped myself out of it and reminded myself that I will be alright. I continued my day with delight and enjoyed lacrosse practice. I also made sure as soon as I got home that I would complete my blog which is exactly what I did. I am extremely proud of myself and how I handle my stress. Thanks for reading and "blog" you later.

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